What is a podcast?
A Podcast is like a radio programme that you can create yourself and that you can distribute on any number of platforms. People are hungry for podcasts right now but they are also choosy. You have to make yours as engaging and interesting and high quality as you possibly can. No one wants to listen to scratchy or muffled content especially if it is boring. There are ways to make sure that your podcast gets a following by following some simple tricks. We can help you craft yours.
The beauty of a podcast is that you can easily create your own personal radio show. You don’t have to go through the filter of a broadcaster, because you can broadcast it to the world yourself through one of the online platforms like Spotify, iTunes, Acast or Blubrry. People make podcasts about everything. They come in all sorts of formats the same way that radio and TV programmes do. There are different production values and that is what makes the difference.
You can make a high quality podcast at a fraction of the cost of a making a video or film. People love podcasts over videos because they can do other things while listening to your podcast. People listen in their cars on journeys. They listen when they are out for a walk or a cycle or when they in the kitchen preparing a sandwich. You have to engage their interest from the first 5 seconds and always remember your podcast goes to individuals ears so it is very intimate medium.
Why Do I Want To Make One?
Make it if you are passionate about something and you want to share with others. You may be an expert in something like banking law and want to talk with other experts to illustrate your knowledge or your company’s expertise on the topic .
This way you generate discussion on issues that matter to you. Maybe you are interested in behavioural economics and want to learn from others or to influence debate on the best ways of tackling climate change or COVID19 adherence to guidelines.
Maybe you want to influence children’s diets and learn from the experience of experts in other countries. You can record a Zoom Call, a teams meeting interview or a Skype call using eCam Movie tools software. These files can be saved and downloaded for editing by Ocarina.