Hearing Again After 60 Years Of Isolation – documentary ‘I Hear A Sound’
Michael Ferris aged 84 lost much of his hearing during the Suez crisis in 1956 but has the chance to have his hearing restored through the technical miracle of cochlear implant surgery.
Barbara Jameson too is facing into her cochlear implant surgery with optimism and excitement and has high hopes that after her CI ‘switch-on’ and fine tuning she will be able to hear birds again, to hear the rain on the velux window and in a year’s time be able to hear her daughter take her wedding vows.
In this moving radio documentary ‘I Hear A Sound’ Angie Mezzetti follows the journey back to the hearing world of Michael and Barbara and hears from others on what that journey is like. ‘I Hear A Sound’ is produced for Newstalkfm and funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Barbara Jameson’s story of recovering her hearing through cochlear Implant in Beaumont Hospital is followed in the radio documentary I Hear A Sound

Audiologist Christine McHugh in documentary I Hear A Sound